Make Your CTA Count

by | Jun 14, 2021 | Services

Since you’ve already been placing ads and sending out great email campaigns, are you getting the traffic and engagement numbers that you and your company are looking for? If not, it may be time to experiment with different strategies for your CTA’s or Calls to Action.There are several different ways to branch out and begin testing CTA’s to see which ones work for campaigns.The key thing to remember is that you should always been testing different CTA’s that way you can find out which one works best for you.

CTA Tip #1: Personalization

The best way to start testing is with personalization. It’s extremely important and very simple. It allows you to interact with your clients at a deeper level and allows for a deeper customer relationship to be built. You can start with basic CTA’s like: “Get Your Discount Now!” or “Get Your Free Consultation Today!” These use secondary pronouns to help connect with the consumer. Other ways of personalization can be achieved through email. You can add in direct personalization if you have a contact’s full name, you can add that to your CTA and make an even deeper connection that way.


I want you to go and look at your current examples that you have in your emails and campaigns. Are they bright and eye-catching, or are they bland in color and don’t offer any sort of stimulation to the audience? Another great way to try and boost your CTA statistics is to change up the aesthetic of the button. Instead of choosing a bland color for your CTA button, choose a color or style that is eye-catching and really draws your attention. This will allow your button to really stand out amongst the other content. 


The final test you can utilize for your CTA’s is the placement of your buttons and content. Normally, CTA’s are placed below the fold at the end of the content. One test to consider is placing the CTA above the fold, or placed at or near the top of the content. This allows your audience to see the CTA right away and start considering their options right away, and you guessed it, placing them in the consideration stage of the buyer journey earlier.

To cap this off, the best way to try and boost the numbers and statistics of your CTA’s is to undergo testing, and lots of it. The CTA is something that works differently for each business and should always be experimented on. Find out what works for you and your business and run with it. The same strategy that a large business has been utilizing for years, may not be what works for you. Always be experimenting and trying out new things!

A great tool for editing the copy of your CTAs is the Hemingway Editor: use it to ensure your copy is clean and concise!

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